Everybody know contents are important for a website, but not everyone is a good writer. One of the options is hiring a writer to help out with site contents. Writers often are not cheap, and they are not the only way to help you get great contents for your website.

You can get great contents from government sources. The great thing is the government sources are huge. It has the surprising range of information, and it is free, free, and free. You have to love it. For example, U.S. Government departments do not have copyright protection. The United States Postal Service is exempt from these rules. They have copyright protection for their work. You should also know that other governments may hold copyrights on their works. So it is still a good idea to check first, before they take their contents. Even with these exemptions, government content are a great resource to us.

You can also get free resources for your sites from content syndication sites. Site owner like you and me can pick up and use the contents from this site for free. Why ? Because, you have to link back to the author web site. That's the trade off. It is not a really a free lunch, but you can save money.

Product Information. If your site sell products, contact the manufacturer. Try to get your hand on the brochures, recipe, user manuals of the products.


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