Everyone knows what internet memes are. They are fun little phrases and images that are used in many conversations nowadays, and can be spotted on many popular social networking pages. Multifaceted in their use and down to their core they exist either to cause a reaction or to show one. Simply put, they have become a bizarre part of everyone's internet culture and whether you like it or not, you will end up seeing that telltale troll face eventually on your computer screen.

Of course, not all memes are fun and games. Sometimes they do not even end up memes! This is what people call the "forced" meme, in which usually only the creator finds it funny and ends up trying to make it seem like it is to other people, often by faking multiple accounts to do so. It is the equivalent of telling the same bad joke at a party when no one finds it funny, and trying to get other people to tell it in order to spread that person's own humor around in a forceful manner.

However, at the same time a forced meme is not limited to trying to make your own joke popular for the masses. Forcing an actual meme into a situation where it does not belong is also something that tends to be frowned upon, as it shows either a lack of creativity or a lack of tact in that regard. People like this tend to latch onto the idea that a meme is funny and try to use them whenever possible in order to fit in with the mainstream crowd. Of course, instead of fitting in, they end up becoming more of an annoyance because of it.

It is undeniable that meme and macro images have become a very large part of internet subculture today, but there are also many people who do not know how to use them. In a way it matches up to real life where social awkwardness is plentiful, and ironic that there are people on the internet who end up doing the same thing despite using the internet as a means to avoid awkward social interactions. Either way, their usage has reached the point where it is really love it or hate it, and more often than not people tend to use a lot of them wrong causing more hate than necessary.

There is a fine line between overused and forced, though at the same time recent trends has caused the two of these to mix together. People can all share a good laugh now and then but they just need to remember that there is always a time and place.

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