As the internet has grown from a small group of computers linking to each other, to a massive structure composed of millions of websites and billions of links, there has been growth of what is known as a meme.

A meme can be anything: a video, picture, or simply an idea that happens to have gained incredible popularity over a short period of time and become "viral". Memes can be the most simple things such as posting text on funny cat pictures to very complicated and strange videos like the Rick Roll video.

First off, in order to make something become viral and become a meme, it has to have some unique value to it. People have to watch it or look at it and say, "Hey, that's something different". Not every great idea that you have will become viral enough to reach meme status. You have to experiment and use all the resources available to you, such as Facebook and twitter. You can start off by showing your friends and see if they think it is a good idea, then release it to the world.

There is not much you can really do to effect whether or not your video or picture becomes a meme, other then it being original and funny. Remember that some of the strangest videos and pictures can become memes. To get some ideas, you can start off by watching or looking at some of the funniest videos and pictures on the net, this can help you find ideas for you next big viral thing!

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