
Sunday, July 8, 2012

An Embarrassing Moment

Janie Junebug posted about embarrassing moments. I know you will find this hard to believe, Peeps, but I’ve had few. Way too many moments to list here. To do that I would have to start a new blog with a title like “Overflows From The Coffeypot.” However, I can’t keep up with this one, much less take on a new blog.

So I’ll tell you about one I had back in the day.

I was home on leave from the Navy and met this girl. We spent a great deal of time together the whole two weeks I was home.

The night before I was to return to CA, we had been out and I walked her up to the door. We were doing the kissing thing and I was telling her I would write her and all that stuff.

I would say things like, “Mary, I will miss you something bad.”

“It has been an amazing two weeks, Mary.”

“Why are your crying, Mary? I’ll be back next year and will write you every day.”

She looked up at me with huge tears running down her face and said, “My name is JoAnne.”

I just said, “Damn! Sorry! I’ll still write, but you can answer if you want too.”

She never did.

I would love to see her again and give her more of an apologetic response. But I don’t remember her last name. Maybe she has forgiven me after all these years.

Or maybe not!

What embarrassing moment would you share? Yeah! I don’t blame you.

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